
All Top-level Files

All Top-level Files

Files in the top-level directory in any check-in


streamful is a customizable, distributed social network platform. Its goal is to bend the darker parts of social networks towards serving higher purposes. It enables rapid experimentation with new expressions of their lives. It does this by:

  1. Giving every participant ownership over their content, and
  2. Enabling rapid experimentation with new expressions of their lives



To run the streamful platform, you will need to install leiningen using the instructions at

You will also need to be using at least JDK 9 because the server uses readNBytes on

Running the program locally

lein run

Verifying that the program is correct

lein test

Packaging the program artifact

lein uberjar

Then, you can run the artifact:

lein run target/uberjar/streamful-standalone.jar 

You'll need to use a client to interact with the server.

Running the program interactively

lein repl

Or you can start a REPL using your favorite IDE.


Before committing, in order to guarantee safety, you should run:

lein precommit


See resources/copyright.txt for the terms under which you can share this program.